
Help Videos

This page contains numerous helpful video tutorials explaining the main functions of the eCards2go platform and how to create your campaign. All users are encouraged to watch these tutorials to familiarize yourself with the system and how to use it. If you still have any questions you can contact us at

eCards2go Tutorial: How to Customize Your eCard

This video tutorial demonstrates how to customize your eCard on the eCards2go platform.

eCards2go Tutorial: How to Customize Your Email

This video tutorial demonstrates how to customize your email template on the eCards2go platform.

eCards2go Tutorial: How to Register an Account / Explanation of Account Pages

This video tutorial demonstrates how to register an account on the eCards2go platform and explains the functions of the main pages in your account.

eCards2go Tutorial: Detailed Explanation of Account Pages

This video tutorial explains the functions of the main pages in your account.

eCards2go Tutorial: How to Create a "Blast" Mode Campaign

This video tutorial explains how to set up a "blast" mode campaign on the eCards2go platform.

eCards2go Tutorial: How to Create a "Scheduled Dates" Mode Campaign

This video tutorial explains how to set up a "Scheduled Dates" mode campaign on the eCards2go platform.

eCards2go Tutorial: How to Create a Date of Birth "DOB Dates" Mode Campaign

This video tutorial explains how to set up a Date of Birth "DOB Dates" mode campaign on the eCards2go platform.

eCards2go Tutorial: Full Step by Step Process to Create an eCard Campaign

This video tutorial explains the entire step by step process for creating an eCard campaign on the eCards2go platform.

We accept the following: Business eCards